
Sunday, 31 July 2016

Super Foods For Women

Kale : Healthy eating is important for everyone, but certain foods are especially good for issues that affect women -- brittle bones, for example. Packed into these green leaves is loads of vitamin K, which is likely as important to healthy bones as calcium. And one serving has more than 20% of the daily recommended amounts of vitamins A and C as well.
Plain, Low-Fat Yogurt :Calcium is important for your bones, especially as you age. Yogurt has loads of it -- just 8 ounces will give you almost half (42%) of the calcium you need for the day. Look for the kind enriched with Vitamin D, to help your body use it better.
Beans :They have lots of protein, without the fat that comes from meat. They also can lower your blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate -- all risk factors for heart disease, the No. 1 killer of women in the United States.Be sure to use fresh beans.
Walnuts :They’re packed with healthy fatty acids and may prevent cancer as part of a balanced diet.  Plus, they’re the perfect topping for yogurt, which has plenty of something else women need: calcium. Two birds, one stone.
Avocado:Yes, they’re full of fat, but it’s the good fat. In fact, studies show avocado-rich diets can help get rid of belly fat and protect your eyes and skin. They may even help lower “bad” cholesterol levels and boost the “good” cholesterol.
Sardines:These little guys pack loads of healthy fatty acids, vitamin D, and calcium. Their omega-3 fats can improve the quality of breast milk, and be good for babies whose mothers ate sardines while they were pregnant. They also have less mercury than most fish.
 Beef Liver :It may not be at the top of the list of foods you crave, but beef liver is an excellent source of folate and folic acid -- important for healthy pregnancies -- beating out top contenders like spinach and black-eyed peas by a big margin.
Grapefruit : Oranges work, too, but grapefruit has less sugar. It’s all about about the  “flavonoids,” which help lower the risk of certain kinds of strokes in women and may also help the heart. But grapefruit may not be a good combo with your medication, so check with your doctor before adding it to your menu.

Bottom Line : These are healthy snacks for anyone !


Saturday, 30 July 2016

Are Fresh Juice Drinks Really Healthy ?

 On these midsummer days, it’s hard to walk down the street without passing someone sipping a vividly colored beverage. According to food industry statistics, these folks aren’t likely to be drinking fizzy drinks, shakes or alcohol.  Instead, people are shifting from sugary beverages with artificial ingredients to cold-pressed juices and smoothies. Sales of juice extractors and blenders lead the small-appliance market, and juice bars continue to spring up on city streets, in shopping malls, and even in supermarkets.
There are a couple of reasons people are taking to these beverages, says Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “They think they are doing something healthy, and the beverages can be time savers. It can be faster to grab a smoothie in the morning instead of sitting down to breakfast.”
What is cold-pressed juice?                                                   
Cold pressing employs the same principle as the hand-crank citrus juicer your mother or grandmother might have used: the fruits or vegetables are squeezed between two metal plates to extract the juice. Modern juice extractors may chop or grind the produce before applying hydraulic pressure to separate the juice from the pulp.

•The upsides: Because cold-pressed juices are usually served fresh, they retain more of a fruit’s or vegetable’s vitamins and minerals. They don’t have the added sugars or artificial sweeteners that most bottled juices contain. Additionally, when a glass of juice is squeezed from several fruits or vegetables, it is likely to have a wider array of nutrients per ounce than a single piece of fruit.
•The downsides: Juice has less fiber than a whole fruit or vegetable does, and fruit juices in particular are likely to have a higher glycemic index — a measure of how a food raises blood-sugar levels — than a whole fruit. Also, “there’s increasing evidence that drinking isn’t as satiating as eating whole foods,” says McManus. Studies indicate that people who drink juices tend to add them to their diets rather than substitute them for other foods, thus increasing their total calorie consumption.
What are smoothies?
Smoothies are usually concoctions of several of the following: pureed fruits, pureed vegetables, juices, dairy products, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, herbs, and spices. The nutritional and calorie content of the beverage can vary widely according to the ingredients.
•The upsides: “Smoothies can be a good way of getting vegetables if you’re struggling to add them to your diet,” McManus says. If you aren’t crazy about leafy greens, blending them with berries or a ripe peach can disguise the taste of the vegetables. A smoothie can also provide a quick meal when you don’t have time to cook or even prepare a salad. For example, throwing a handful of spinach, a cup of blueberries, a couple of frozen strawberries, and a cup of nonfat plain Greek yogurt in the blender can deliver a healthy meal or snack in a minute. And smoothies have a nutritional advantage over juices — because the whole fruit or vegetable is used, they have more fiber and a lower glycemic index.
•The downsides: If you’re not careful, smoothies can pack in the calories. If you’re ordering a smoothie at a juice bar or restaurant, ask if it contains added sugar, syrup, or honey. If you’re blending your own, avoid fruit-flavored yogurts or frozen yogurts, which are likely to contain fruit syrups, added sugars, or artificial sweeteners. Use bananas, which have a high glycemic index, sparingly. Go lightly on the sweeteners; even “healthy” sweeteners like agave syrup and honey contain glucose.
The bottom line :Smoothies and cold-pressed juices may provide healthy snacks and an efficient way to get vegetables. But be sure to include the calories they provide in your daily calorie allowance. And remember, nothing beats eating fresh fruits and vegetables !

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The Physical Benefits of Yoga

 Yoga promotes physical health in multiple ways. Some of them derive from better stress management. Others come more directly from the physical movements and postures in yoga, which help promote flexibility and reduce joint pain.
Following are some of the physical benefits of yoga that have a growing body of research behind them. In addition to the conditions listed below, preliminary research also shows that yoga may help with migraines, osteoporosis, balance and mobility issues, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia, and ADHD.
Yoga is more than just a workout—it’s actually a combination of four components: postures (like tree pose), breathing practices, deep relaxation, and meditation that can transform your health on many different levels. To show you how easy yoga can be and how you can reap the many health benefits, Harvard Medical School experts created An Introduction to Yoga.
Back pain relief
Back pain is one of the most common health problems in the United States. Four out of five Americans will suffer from it at some point. But yoga appears to help. A 2013 meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials found "strong evidence for short-term effectiveness and moderate evidence for long-term effectiveness of yoga for chronic low-back pain." In fact, since 2007, the American Society of Pain guidelines have urged physicians to consider recommending yoga to patients with long-term pain in the lower back.
While it is tempting to stay in bed when your back hurts, doctors no longer recommend extended bed rest. Although lying in bed does minimize stress on the lumbar spine, it also causes muscles to lose conditioning, among other problems. In general, the sooner you can get up and get moving, the faster you will recover. Yoga helps alleviate back pain by increasing flexibility and muscle strength. Relaxation, stress reduction, and better body awareness may also play a role.
In one study, published in the journal Spine, people with back pain who did two 90-minute sessions of yoga a week for 24 weeks experienced a 56% reduction in pain. They also had less disability and depression than people with back pain who received standard care, such as pain medication. The results also suggested a trend toward the use of less pain medication in those who did yoga. When the researchers followed up with the participants six months after the study, 68% of the people in the yoga group were still practicing yoga an average of three days a week for an average of 33 minutes per session. That's a good indicator that they found yoga to be helpful.
Less arthritis pain
Exercise has been shown to help alleviate the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis; however, these symptoms can make it difficult to be active in the first place. Yoga offers a gentle form of exercise that helps improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles around painful joints.
In a 2014 study of 36 women with knee osteoarthritis, those who did yoga experienced significant improvements in their symptoms compared with women who didn't do yoga. The yoga group had a 60-minute class one day a week and then practiced at home on several other days, averaging 112 minutes of yoga a week on their own. After eight weeks, they reported a 38% reduction in pain and a 35% reduction in stiffness, while the no-yoga group reported worsening symptoms.
People with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, may also benefit. In a 2015 study, women with rheumatoid arthritis reported improvements in their physical health, walking ability, pain levels, energy, and mood, and had significantly fewer swollen and tender joints, after doing two hour-long yoga classes a week for eight weeks.
A breathing technique to help you relax.The practice of yoga incorporates many separate breathing techniques (above and beyond the coordinated breathing you do during yoga routines) that can help relax you and release tension. And many of these techniques can be done anytime, anywhere — not just during yoga class.
If you'd like to reap the benefits of these breathing techniques, start with the abdominal breathing technique described below. Once you've mastered abdominal breathing, you can then try others based on the unique benefits that each technique offers.
Abdominal breathing
As we go about our daily lives, most of us take quick, shallow "chest breaths" that can leave us feeling tense and drained. Abdominal breathing, also called "belly breathing," is a basic yoga breath that combats the effects of chest breathing. The technique emphasizes breathing deeply to create abdominal movement. It's essential for those beginning a yoga practice, but everyone can benefit from learning it, yogi or not.
Abdominal breathing is best learned while lying on your back, with one or both of your hands on your abdomen. To take an abdominal breath, inhale slowly and deeply, drawing air into the lowest part of your lungs so your hand rises. Your belly should expand and rise as you inhale, then contract and lower as you exhale. One way to think of this is to imagine your lungs as two glasses of water — with each breath, you should fill them from the bottom up, but empty them from the top down.
Once you're comfortable doing abdominal breathing in a reclining position, you can try it while sitting or standing. You can use this technique as you practice a yoga posture or while meditating. It is also useful at any time of the day when you need to calm down.
Bottom Line : Yoga can be a great addition to your health care plan. Don't be afraid to try many different types of Yoga and be sure to give it a chance. Try a few classes . You'll be glad you did.   

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The Curse of Knowledge

How could knowledge be a curse? Don’t we talk at length about the value of continuing education?Unfortunately, knowledge can be both a blessing and a curse. In fact, too much knowledge can sometimes actually make you a bad teacher. How many times have you taken a class or heard a lecture by an expert in a field and left confused?
The speaker has The Curse of Knowledge.
In the book Made to Stick, the authors describe a very simple study done at Stanford in 1996 by Elizabeth Newton which serves as a perfect illustration for The Curse of Knowledge.
Newton divided the study participants into two groups: tappers and listeners. The tappers were given a song to “tap out” on the top of the desk. These were simple songs like Happy Birthday and Jingle Bells. The listener’s job was to try to recognize the song. The tapper tapped out the song on the desk top while the listeners listened. Pretty simple, except for the fact that the tappers had The Curse of Knowledge. They knew the song and could hear it in their heads. The listeners had no such knowledge. The interesting thing about the study was that tappers thought that listeners would get the song right fifty percent of the time, but in actuality, listeners only got the title of the song two percent of the time. The tappers (think teachers) were frustrated because they knew the answer to the “test”. They also couldn’t understand how the listener (student) could not “get it”.
Now just substitute teacher for tapper and student for listener, or coach and player, or boss and employee. Look at the numbers. Fifty percent expected but two percent results. These stats make how we run practice , how we teach or, how we run our staff training seem really important. This study explained so much to me. It explained why I say KISS so much. Keep It Simple S _ _ _ _ _. What I really am saying is remember the listeners. Don’t strive to show how smart you are, instead, strive to show what a great teacher you are. I now believe the key to KISS is to strive to MISS ( Make It Simple S _ _ _ _ _). We need to keep it simple for our staff, students, or team by making it simple. We need to make sure that the Curse of Knowledge does not frustrate us and our students, players, or employees.
I always tell my coaches that if it appears that the group,athlete or client is not grasping a concept, back up and say “let me explain that again. I must have done a bad job explaining it the first time”. This puts the onus on the teacher, coach or boss. Sven Nater, one of John Wooden’s prize pupils, wrote a book entitled You Haven’t Taught Me Until I’ve Learned. It is an excellent title. We must realize that we have not taught until someone has learned and that our knowledge can often be a detriment not a benefit. Understanding The Curse of Knowledge is the key to great instruction in any field.
Bottom Line : If someone ain’t getting it, maybe it’s the messenger , not the message !

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Commonly Abused Prescription and OTC Drugs

Drug abuse isn't just about street drugs. Besides marijuana, legal medicines are the most commonly abused drugs in the UK. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs can help and heal us. But some can be addictive and dangerous if they’re used the wrong way. Keep your family safe. Use this guide to help you spot some commonly misused medicines. Because drugs come in many forms, not all pills and tablets are shown.
Barbiturates: These are sedatives like phenobarbital, pentobarbital (Nembutal), and secobarbital (Seconal). They help with anxiety, sleep problems, and some seizures. But if you take more than prescribed, you can get addicted. High doses can cause trouble breathing, especially if you use them when you drink alcohol. If you can’t function without barbiturates, get help. Going into withdrawal can be dangerous.
Benzodiazepines: Valium (diazepam) and Xanax (alprazolam) are two examples of benzodiazepines -- another type of sedative that can help with anxiety, panic attacks, and sleep problems. They work well and they're safer than barbiturates. But overused, they can also lead to physical dependence and addiction. Prescription drugs shouldn't be shared. They are only for the person with the prescription
Sleep Medicines: If you have trouble sleeping, drugs like zolpidem (Ambien) , eszopiclone (Lunesta), and zaleplon (Sonata) can help you get the rest you need. But if you use them longer than your doctor suggests, you may start to believe you need them to sleep. Although they're not as addictive as some sleeping pills, doctors are concerned about abuse if they're not taken as prescribed.
Codeine and Morphine: Some of the most commonly abused prescription meds are painkillers -- specifically, opioids. These drugs dull pain, but in large doses they can also cause a euphoric high -- and dangerous side effects. Doctors usually prescribe morphine for severe pain and codeine for milder pain or coughing. Brands of morphine include Avinza, Kadian, and MS Contin
OxyContin, Percocet: Another opioid painkiller is oxycodone. It's in drugs like OxyContin, Percocet, Percodan, and Roxicodone. People who abuse oxycodone sometimes crush it and snort it or inject it -- greatly raising the risk of overdose. Street names include "oxy," "O.C.," and "oxycotton" for OxyContin and "percs" for Percocet or Percodan.
Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet: These drugs contain the opioid hydrocodone plus acetaminophen. Opioids cause drowsiness and constipation. High doses can cause dangerous breathing problems. Vicodin's street names include "vike" and "Watson-387."
Amphetamines: When prescribed, stimulants like the amphetamines Adderall and Dexedrine can help people with ADHD. But some people use amphetamines to get high, to boost energy and alertness, or to keep their weight down. You can get addicted to stimulants. High doses can cause a dangerous rise in body temperature, irregular heartbeat, and even cardiac arrest. Nicknames for amphetamines include "bennies," "black beauties," and "speed."
Methylphenidate:This is a stimulant in ADHD drugs like Concerta, Metadate, Methylin, and Ritalin. Its nicknames include "MPH," "R-ball," "Skippy," "the smart drug," and "vitamin R." If you take stimulants, combining them with common decongestants can cause dangerously high blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat.
Dextromethorphan (DXM): It's not just prescription drugs that are a problem. Dextromethorphan is a common ingredient in over-the-counter cold and cough medicines -- it helps stop the cough. But large doses can get you high and cause hallucinations. It's popular among teens, since cough syrup is so easy to find in medicine cabinets. High doses also cause vomiting, rapid heart rate, and -- rarely -- brain damage.
Pseudoephedrine: This is a decongestant in lots of non-prescription cold medicines. While it helps clear up a stuffy nose, it's also an ingredient in illegal methamphetamine ("meth"). To curb meth abuse, U.S. laws now control how you buy pseudoephedrine products. That's why some cold medicines are located behind the counter and why you may have to sign for some.
Spotting a Suspicious Pill: Found a random pill around the house or in your teen's jacket? Want to know what it is? WebMD's Pill Identification Tool may help. But because there are hundreds of drugs and thousands of pills and tablets of all shapes, colours, and sizes, you may need a pharmacist to identify it.
Drug Abuse: What to Do 
Worried that someone you love might be abusing drugs? The best thing to do is ask directly. Keep an eye out for signs of abuse, like behaviour changes or missing medicines. Many kids assume that common household drugs or even prescription medicines are safer than street drugs because they're legal. Explain the risks. Head off problems -- and clean out your medicine cabinet. Get rid of the drugs you don't need, and keep track of the ones you do. Drug abuse can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. It knows no boundaries. Be smart. If you have concerns don’t be afraid to pursue them . Someones life may depend on it.  

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Sleep and Performance

 In any sport, successful performance requires a planned approach to training and recovery. Whereas healthy adults are recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night, some athletes, under circumstances of need, are taught to aim for 9-10 hours of sleep. Coaches and athletes rate sleep as critical to optimal performance, but the reality is that athletes are not getting it. Poor or inadequate sleep affects athletic performance, recovery, and may have systemic effects. The effects of sleep on athletes are complex due to multiple mechanisms of action, as well as individual variations to required or perceived need of sleep and resilience to sleep restriction. Many studies have evaluated sleep deprivation, a prolonged period of sleep loss such as a whole night or longer; however, sleep restriction, the partial disturbance of the sleep-wake cycle, is more akin to real world experiences of athletes. The following is a sample of the evidence of sleep restriction in athletes that can help decision-making regarding the use of sleep support habits and/ or agents.
The amount of sleep an elite athlete obtains is influenced by their training schedule. Seventy nationally ranked athletes from seven different sports were monitored using wrist activity monitors and asked to complete sleep/training diaries for 2 weeks during normal training. Fatigue levels were recorded prior to each training session using a 7-point scale. Athletes, on average, awoke at 6:48 am, fell asleep at 11:06 pm, spent 8 hours and 18 minutes in bed, and obtained 6 hours and 30 minutes of sleep per night. Of particular interest is that on nights prior to training days, time spent in bed was significantly shorter, sleep onset, as well as awakening times were significantly earlier, and the amount of sleep obtained was significantly less. It is not surprising that shorter sleep durations were associated with higher levels of pre-training fatigue. Timing of training also plays a role, in that, early morning training start times reduce sleep duration and increase pre-training fatigue levels. 
Athletes from individual sports went to bed earlier, woke up earlier, and obtained, on average, 30 minutes less sleep than athletes from team sports.The same research group followed 124 elite athletes from five individual sports and four team sports for 7-28 nights. Wrist activity monitor data and sleep diaries were assessed. Averages of sleep markers were similar to the previous study, but significant variances were seen in the individual sport athletes.Increasing intensity of training in elite athletes negatively affects sleep quality, mood, and performance. 
In one study 13 highly-trained male cyclists participated in two 9-day periods of intensified training. Sleep was measured each night via wristwatch actigraphy. Mood state questionnaires were completed daily. Performance was assessed with maximal oxygen uptake. Percentage sleep time fell during intensified training despite an increase in time in bed. Sleep efficiency decreased during intensified training. Mood disturbance increased during intensified training. Performance in the exercise protocol fell significantly with intensified training. 
Overtraining of trained endurance athletes leads to poor sleep and illness.  In one study, 27 trained male triathletes were either randomized into a 3 weeks period of “overload” training or normal training, both with a week of moderate training preceding the variable training and a two-week taper following the variable training. Researchers measured maximal aerobic power and oxygen uptake (VO2max) from incremental cycle ergometry. After each phase questionnaires measured mood states, and incidences of illness and sleep were monitored using wristwatch actigraphy. Half of the individuals in the overload group were categorized as functionally overreached. This group demonstrated decreases in sleep duration, sleep efficiency, immobile time, and a higher prevalence of upper respiratory tract incidences. 
Some athletes report trouble sleeping the night prior to a competition. 
 Competitive Sport and Sleep questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were given to 283 elite Australian athletes. 64.0% of athletes indicated worse sleep on at least one occasion in the nights prior to an important competition over the past 12 months. 82.1% reported the main sleep problem was falling asleep. 83.5% attributed this problem to thoughts about the competition and 43.8% reported nervousness. 59.1% of team sport athletes reported having no strategy to overcome poor sleep. 32.7% of individual athletes reported the same. 
Elite athletes sleep less after a game. 
 Ten elite male rugby players were monitored over a twelve night period for sleep quantity and efficiency. There was a statistically significant difference in sleep quantity on game nights compared to non-game nights, with players sleeping less on game nights. Athletes went to sleep later on game nights.
Night games, in elite athletes, results in reduced sleep duration and perceived recovery. 
 Sixteen elite soccer players completed a subjective online questionnaire twice a day for 21 days during the season. Players were asked about sleep duration, how long it took to fall asleep, time that they fell asleep and awoke, and how long it took to fully wake up. Players were also asked about how they felt they were recovering, mood, and performance. Subjects reported, on average, 24 minutes less sleep per night after night games. Perceived recovery on a 7-point scale dropped by -2.6 points which were not seen in training days or in day matches. 
 Individual needs of athletes should be considered which makes guidelines and even team schedules difficult. While researchers seek to elucidate exact mechanisms of sleep and effects of sleep restriction in athletes, and are hesitant to provide practical recommendations, current athletes may benefit from the knowledge and web of evidence that has thus far been accumulated.
Bottom line: Lack of sleep affects everything. From your performance in the office to the field. In today’s crazy hectic world it is hard to get enough sleep . Make monitoring your sleep one of your priorities.  Sweet Dreams !  

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Stress+ Cortisol = Belly Fat

Today I have a little science lesson for you about your "belly fat" hormone, also known as cortisol.  Cortisol is a hormone that your body releases to deal with stress, and unfortunately high levels of cortisol have been linked to increased levels of abdominal fat.
Want to reduce cortisol and burn more belly flab?  Here are 3 things that you can do starting today:
1. Work less - New research shows that if you work more than 48 hours per week, the likelihood of consuming excess alcohol goes up dramatically.  Alcohol consumption increases cortisol, and together they both increase belly fat. If you're looking to shrink your belly, trimming back your working hours while choosing calorie-burning exercise for stress relief (in lieu of alcohol) will do wonders for your waistline.
2. Don't consume caffeine after 6PM - Although caffeinated beverages can enhance fat-burning when consumed around exercise, caffeine can be a double whammy on cortisol levels, especially if consumed at night when it's very likely to negatively affect the quality of your sleep.  Getting quality, uninterrupted sleep each night is critical to reducing cortisol, so you'll want to avoid caffeine in the evening hours.
3. Take time to "unplug" - A recent Canadian study showed that those who were constantly "plugged in" to technology all throughout the day (TV, smart phones, computers) were significantly more stressed than those who took time to "unplug" during designated time blocks each day.  More stress = more belly fat, so if you want a trim belly start planning some device-free time each day.
Bottom line: Learn to chill !

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Sit Back, It's Better for Your Back

Long Hours Sitting Up Straight May Cause Back Pain, Study Shows
Lean back before reading this; your back may thank you.
A new study suggests that sitting upright for hours at a time -- for example, when working at a computer -- may lead to chronic back pain. Instead, the best position for your back is somewhat reclined, sitting at a 135-degree angle rather than the 90-degree angle most office chairs are designed for."A 135-degree body-thigh sitting posture was demonstrated to be the best biomechanical sitting position, as opposed to a 90-degree posture, which most people consider normal," says researcher Waseem Amir Bashir, MBChB, clinical fellow in the department of radiology and diagnostic imaging at the University of Alberta Hospital, Canada, in a news release. "Sitting in a sound anatomic position is essential, since the strain put on the spine and its associated ligaments over time can lead to pain, deformity and chronic illness."
Bashir presented the results of the study this week at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago.
Comparing Sitting Positions
Back pain is one of the most common causes of work-related disability in the U.S. and helping to identify bad seating postures may help protect the spine and prevent injury.Using "positional" magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) researchers studied the sitting positions of 22 healthy volunteers with no history of back pain. The MRI machine allowed freedom of motion, such as sitting or standing, during imaging. Conventional MRI machines require the patient to lie flat and may mask some causes of back pain.
Researchers used the MRI to examine spinal positioning while the participants assumed three different sitting positions: slouching forward (such as hunched over a desk or video game console), an upright 90-degree sitting position, and a relaxed position with the back reclined backward about 135 degrees while the feet were still on the floor.
Overall, researchers concluded that the 135-degree reclining position put the least stress on the spine and may reduce the risk of back pain. They recommend that people who sit for long periods of time correct their sitting posture and find a chair that allows them to recline.
"This may be all that is necessary to prevent back pain, rather than trying to cure pain that has occurred over the long term due to bad postures," says Bashir. Employers could also reduce problems by providing their staff with more appropriate seating, thereby saving on the cost of lost work hours."

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Vitamins From A-Z

You may be in the habit of taking them everyday, but are you using them for the right reason? From A-Z learn what vitamins do and if you really need them.
Vitamin A
There are two main types of it. One comes from animal sources of food. You need it to help you see at night, make red blood cells, and fight off infections. The other is in plant foods and can help prevent an eye problem called age-related macular degeneration and to cells all over your body. Eat orange veggies and fruits (like sweet potato and cantaloupe), spinach and other greens, dairy products, and seafood such as shrimp and salmon. Too much vitamin A can hurt your liver, though
Vitamin B12
Rev up before hitting the gym with a snack like a hard-boiled egg or cereal with vitamins added. B12 helps your body break down food for energy. Some athletes and trainers take supplements before workouts, but these don’t really boost your success if you're getting enough in your meals.
Vitamin C
Despite claims made by some over-the-counter remedies, it doesn’t prevent colds. But once you have symptoms, drink orange or grapefruit juice to help yourself stay hydrated and feel better sooner. Your body must have vitamin C to help your bones, skin, and muscles grow. You'll get enough from bell peppers, papaya, strawberries, broccoli, cantaloupe, leafy greens, and other fruits and veggies.
This mineral, when mixed with sand, helps harden concrete harden. Its strength makes it the building block for your bones and teeth. It's also key to make muscles, including your heart, move. Get calcium from milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods, and from green vegetables like kale and broccoli. How much you need depends on your age and sex. Check with your doctor about whether you should take a supplement
Vitamin D
Like calcium, it keeps your bones strong and helps your nerves carry messages. It also plays a role in fighting germs. Careful time in the sun -- 10 to 15 minutes on a clear day, without sunscreen -- is the best source. Or you could eat fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. There's a little in egg yolks, too. You can also get milk and sometimes orange juice with added vitamin D.
Vitamin E
It's also called an antioxidant. They protect your cells from damage caused by cigarette smoke, pollution, sunlight, and more. Vitamin E also helps your cells talk to each other and keeps blood moving. Sunflower seeds and nuts including almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts are good sources. If you're allergic to those, vegetable oils (like safflower and sunflower), spinach, and broccoli have vitamin E, too
Folic Acid
For moms-to-be, it's a must. It helps make DNA and prevent spina bifida and other brain birth defects. Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, dark leafy greens, oranges and orange juice, and legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) are rich in folic acid. Your doctor may want you to take a supplement, too.
Vitamin K
You need it for blood clotting and healthy bones. People who take warfarin, a blood-thinner, have to be careful about what they eat, because vitamin K reacts badly with the drug. A serving of leafy greens -- like spinach, kale, or broccoli -- will give you more than enough K for the day. A Japanese dish called natto, made from fermented soybeans, has even more
When your levels are low, your body doesn’t make enough healthy red blood cells. And without them, you can’t get oxygen to your  tissues. Women who are pregnant or have heavy menstrual cycles are most likely to have anemia, the medical name for when you don’t have enough iron in your blood. Keep up your levels with beans and lentils, liver, oysters, and spinach. Many breakfast cereals have a day’s worth added in. Even dark chocolate with at least 45% cacao has some!
This mineral plays a role in making your muscles squeeze and keeping your heart beating. It helps control blood sugar and blood pressure, make proteins and DNA, and turn food into energy. You'll get magnesium from almonds, cashews, spinach, soybeans, avocado, and whole grains
You may think of bananas, but green leafy veggies are a better source of this mineral. It helps keep your blood pressure in a normal range, and it helps your kidneys work. Levels that are too low or too high could make your heart and nervous system shut down. You should also watch your salt, because your body needs the right balance of sodium and potassium. Snack on raw cantaloupe, carrots, and tomatoes, too.
Without it, you couldn't taste and smell. Your immune system needs it, and it helps cuts, scrapes, and sores heal. It may help you keep your sight as you get older. While you can get zinc from plant sources like sesame and pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, lentils, and cashews, it's easier for your body to absorb it from animal foods, such as oysters, beef, crab, lobster, and pork.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Doe's Acupuncture work?

What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an age-old healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It's primarily used to relieve pain but also has been used to treat other conditions. More than 3 million Americans use acupuncture, but it is even more popular in other countries. In France, for example, one in five people has tried acupuncture.
How Acupuncture Works 
Acupuncture seeks to release the flow of the body's vital energy or "chi" by stimulating points along 14 energy pathways. Scientists say the needles cause the body to release endorphins -- natural painkillers -- and may boost blood flow and change brain activity. Skeptics say acupuncture works only because people believe it will, an effect called the placebo effect. I believe you can say that about most things. But if you do feel better does it really matter ?
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most people feel no pain or very little pain when they are inserted. They often say they feel energized or relaxed after the treatment. However, the needles can cause temporary soreness
Acupoint: Low-Back Pain
If standard treatments don't relieve your chronic low-back pain, acupuncture may do the job, and two respected medical groups suggest that people in this situation give it a try. One large study found that both actual and "fake" acupuncture worked better than conventional treatments for back pain that had lasted more than three months. The jury's still out on acupuncture for short-term (acute) pain in the low back
Acupoint: Headaches
Acupuncture may help relieve migraines or tension headaches. Two large studies found that people receiving acupuncture had fewer days with tension headaches than those receiving conventional care.
Acupoint: Fibromyalgia
Studies that test how well acupuncture works against the pain of fibromyalgia have had mixed results. Some showed that it provided temporary pain relief, but others did not. A small study by the Mayo Clinic suggested that acupuncture may reduce two other problems of fibromyalgia: fatigue and anxiety. But overall, there's not enough evidence yet to prove that acupuncture works for fibromyalgia.
Acupoint: Arthritis Pain
Acupuncture can be a helpful addition to conventional treatment for osteoarthritis, says the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. And some of the most promising, early research has shown acupuncture eased arthritis pain in the knee. However, more research is needed to prove without a doubt that it's effective for osteoarthritis.
Acupoint: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Acupuncture was tested and compared with steroid pills for the hand and arm pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. Researchers in Taiwan gave one group eight acupuncture treatments, over about a month, and those patients reported more relief, for a longer time, than the group taking medicine. While studies like this have been promising, more evidence is still needed to confirm that acupuncture is effective for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Acupoint: Dental Pain
Acupuncture provides relief from the pain of tooth extraction or dental surgery, but so does fake acupuncture, some studies show. Still, dental pain is considered by many to be one of the conditions that responds to acupuncture
Acupoint: Other Pain
People have tried acupuncture for neck pain, muscle pain, tennis elbow, and menstrual cramps, hoping to avoid medications and their side effects. The World Health Organization lists 28 different conditions that are sometimes treated with acupuncture. In the U.S., a review by the National Institutes of Health called for robust research to verify the promise that acupuncture holds for many different conditions.
A Boost for Pain Medicine
Acupuncture may provide added pain relief when it's used along with pain medicine or another therapy, such as massage. Acupuncture can reduce the need for drugs and improve the quality of life of people with chronic pain.
Acupoint: Nausea
Acupuncture at the pericardium (P6) acupuncture point on the wrist can reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, even after cancer drug treatments or surgery. Studies compared 10 different acupuncture methods -- including needles, electrical stimulation, and acupressure -- to drugs that block nausea or vomiting and found the acupuncture treatments worked.
Acupuncture and Cancer Care
Because acupuncture can lessen pain, nausea, and vomiting, it is sometimes used to help people cope with symptoms of cancer or chemotherapy. It also can help manage hot flashes associated with breast cancer. Be sure to talk to your doctor first and seek a practitioner who has experience working with cancer patients.
Acupuncture and Fertility
Celebrities such as singers Celine Dion and Mariah Carey credited acupuncture -- used along with infertility treatments -- with helping them get pregnant. A review of medical studies backs up this view, suggesting that acupuncture may boost the effectiveness of fertility treatments. One theory holds that acupuncture helps by reducing stress and increasing blood flow to the ovaries
Acupuncture to Quit Smoking?
Acupuncture has been used for a variety of other conditions, including smoking cessation, insomnia, fatigue, depression, and allergies. The evidence is mixed at best for some uses of acupuncture. For example, acupuncture needles placed in the outer ear to help people stop smoking do not work, studies found.
Acupuncture and Children
Acupuncture is generally considered to be safe for children, as long as you are using a licensed practitioner who follows recommended standards of practice. It is primarily used to control pain or nausea and vomiting after surgery or cancer drug treatment. Scientific evidence does not support the use of acupuncture to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
When to Consider Acupuncture
Because acupuncture rarely causes more than mild side effects, it is a potential alternative to pain medications or steroid treatments. It is also considered a "complementary" medicine that can be used along with other treatments. It is best to discuss the use of acupuncture with your health care provider.
Acupuncture Risks
Although acupuncture is generally safe and serious problems are rare, there are some risks. Needles that are not sterile can cause infection. Make sure that your practitioner uses sterile needles that are thrown away after one use.  In some acupuncture points, needles inserted too deeply can puncture the lungs or gallbladder or cause problems with your blood vessels. That is why it is important to use a practitioner who is well-trained in acupuncture.
Who Shouldn't Use Acupuncture
People with bleeding disorders or who take blood thinners may have increased risk of bleeding. Electrical stimulation of the needles can cause problems for people with pacemakers or other electrical devices. Pregnant women should talk with their health care provider before having acupuncture. It's important not to skip conventional medical care or rely on acupuncture alone to treat diseases or severe pain.
Choosing a Practitioner
It is important to receive treatment from someone who has met standards for education and training in acupuncture. States vary in their licensing requirements. There are national organizations that maintain standards. Be sure to do your homework when choosing a practioner
Acupuncture Variations
Several other therapies use a different way of stimulating the acupuncture points. Moxibustion involves the burning of moxa, a bundle of dried mugwort and wormwood leaves, which can then be used to heat the acupuncture needles or warm the skin. Electroacupuncture adds electrical stimulation to the needles. Another recent variation uses laser needles that are placed on (but not in) the skin
Acupressure vs. Acupuncture
If you are afraid of needles, you may be able to get much of the same effect from acupressure. Acupressure involves pressing or massaging the acupuncture points to stimulate energy pathways. Scientific comparisons of acupressure and acupuncture are limited, but acupressure has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea and lessening labor pain.
This is for informational purposes only. Nobody knows you better than you ,so base your decisions on what your comfortable with. It is very difficult to determine "pain relief". Pain and pain relief is supjective to the individual.  

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Women's "Aging Gene Discovered"

The 3 Foods To Control It!

You're about to discover three rather unsuspecting foods that help control aging, but it's not what you think; you see,we don't want you to eat these foods. Instead, current research suggests you'll want you to put them on your skin.
Crazy, right?                                          
 You're going to love this. For a few cents, and no additional time, you'll see how nature's gifts can help you reverse aging while you're in the kitchen and preparing a meal. If you've noticed the skin on either your hands or face changing, you'll absolutely LOVE this:
Every woman knows that stress is bad for your skin and ages you faster.However, did you know that there’s one specific gene recently discovered by anti-aging researchers at Kings College London that controls most of your physical signs of aging?  Time Magazine called this, “The Aging Gene.” And did you know that you can help tame this out of control Aging Gene using 3 very common foods?
It’s true: however, it’s not what you think. These are not foods that you eat. These are foods that you put on your skin.And while you can eat them, of course, you can see dramatic youth-enhancing changes when you apply them topically.
So What Is “The Aging Gene”?
The Aging Gene is called TERC, and it literally tells your body to keep your skin nice and youthful... or to age it rapidly. It tells your brain to stay sharp and focused, or to be foggy-headed and lose memory. And it tells your body to burn more fat and stay trim, or to put on excess weight. Do you want to know how to turn your Aging Gene off? Of course! Every woman wants that. However, that’s not possible just yet.
What is possible is this: you can slow the effects of The Aging Gene simply by applying foods we know to be better absorbed topically. Yes, your skin is a digestive organ! Amazing, isn’t it? In fact, it’s the largest organ in your body.
These 3 Aging Gene Deactivators can come to your rescue, and help you turn back the clock. And, what’s really to love is the fact these foods are inexpensive, available anywhere, and work very quickly.
You can see results the very first time you apply the tips below... literally within minutes. And, on the next page, I have even more tips for you to enjoy!
Aging Gene Deactivator #1:
Blueberries are very high in two critical nutrients that trick your body into thinking your Aging Gene is turned off by helping preserve the length of what’s known as telomeres. Telomeres look like little thimbles on the end of your chromosomes. The longer your telomeres are, the slower you age! These two vital nutrients, anthocyanins and resveratrol, are more readily absorbed topically, although you can certainly enjoy eating blueberries as well.
First, you’ll want to put a bowl of blueberries in the freezer. The cold will actually help tighten your skin. Then take the cold blueberries out and mash them into a paste. Then simply apply this paste to your face and leave it on for 7 minutes. Wash it off, and enjoy your new “just from the spa” looking skin!
Aging Gene Deactivator #2:
Egg Whites
This is part of my world-famous 50 cent Botox Alternative™. You can find out more about that Solution on the next page. For now, all you do is mix up three egg whites and apply this mixture to your face for 12 minutes. The reason this helps battle The Aging Gene is because egg whites are sky-high in the anti-aging protein called albumin. In The Journal of The National Medical Association (Sep 1995; 87(9): 667-683) Dr. Kenneth Seaton suggested that higher levels of albumin were responsible for the anti-aging effects seen when another aging hormone, cortisol, is too high.
Cortisol is also known as The Belly Fat Hormone, so you definitely need to manage it! The wonderful thing about using my simple egg white solution is that you not only come away with visibly tighter skin, you also get all that healthy, anti-aging albumin...and reduce your belly fat hormone, all at once!
Aging Gene Deactivator #3:
Lentils are high in folate, which is a vitally important B vitamin that often gets destroyed by cooking and even by digestion. Folate has been shown to lengthen your anti-aging telomeres. The longer your telomeres, the younger you are! So here’s my trick: mash up some lentils in a bowl and apply them to the front of your hands. Women show aging in their hands more than men, and this will not only help you absorb all that anti-aging folate, it will also help your hands look and feel younger and more smooth!
There you have it. Cheap and easy. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

Friday, 8 July 2016

10 Ways To Be Happier

Put Some Pep in Your Step
Scientists say walking tall with swinging arms helps you feel more positive. Even if you're not feeling happy, a spirited stroll can help you fake it till you make it.
Slap on a Smile
Want to lift your spirits? Lift the corners of your mouth. When you smile like you mean it, you can change your brain’s chemistry and feel happier
Find ways to get involved in your community or help out a friend in need. You’ll help yourself, too. It can improve your mental health and well-being. Win-win.
Make New Friends
It makes you feel good to spend time with people who care about you. So be open to new relationships, whether it’s someone you meet at the office, gym, church, or park. But be sure to maintain those lifelong connections, too. Studies show the more connected you are, the happier you are.
Count Your Blessings
Write down everything that’s good in your life. When you make an effort to look on the bright side, it helps you stay focused on the positive.
Break a Sweat
It can take as little as 5 minutes for exercise to put you in a better mood. Moving your body also has good long-term effects: Regular exercise helps keep depression at bay.
Forgive and Forget
Are you holding a grudge? Let it go. Forgiveness frees you from negative thoughts and makes more room in your life for inner peace. And that brings you happiness.
Practice Mindfulness
Meditate for an hour a week. It’ll give you a dose of joy, peace, and contentment. It’ll also create new pathways in your brain to make it easier for you to feel joy
Turn on Some Tunes
Music can have a powerful effect on your emotions. Pick your favorite music mix and get into the groove. You’ll get a real feel-good vibe.
Get the ZZZs You Need
Most adults need 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night to stay in a good mood. You’re more likely to be happy when you get enough shut-eye.


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