Being mentally tough: it’s within all of us!
Mental toughness is something most athletes want to have in abundance. Andy Lane argues
that all people can show mental toughness
if the situation is life threatening, or the goal is sufficiently important it activates a psychological state
characterised by positive beliefs on coping with the pain from intense
exercise. This article provides guidance
on how athletes and everyday people
can access their
mental toughness.
a glance
Mental toughness is a highly
popular concept mainly
because its name
is so appealing. Almost all
aspiring athletes will want to be seen by others and see themselves as mentally tough.
Athletes from a wide range of sports can display mental
toughness, but this article focuses
on coping with sensations of fatigue that stem from intense training.
This type of training is common for most sport and physical activity.
Mental toughness is widely debated
in the academic literature, and although there
is a great deal of debate on its nature,
a common element
is that it describes the capability to relentlessly pursue personal goals and be able to cope with adversity including sensations of fatigue and pain.
When the goal is important enough,
and where the
athlete is highly
motivated to pursue
that goal, then an athlete will
accept experiencing intense
pain. A function of intense pain
is to question whether
the goal is worth pursuing. I propose that
it’s not a lack of mental toughness that limits performance, but that the goal is not worth
the suffering it brings.
What is mental
Interest in mental toughness by the academic, coaching and
lay community is hardly surprising. Mental
toughness is a set of interrelated concepts that describe athletes that are highly
competitive, committed, self- motivated, cope effectively, and maintain concentration in pressurized situations, persist when the going gets tough, and retain high levels of self-belief even after setbacks(1).
Research in mental toughness began gathering momentum following Graham Jones’(2) article “What is this thing called mental toughness? An investigation of elite sport performers”. Subsequent research has clarified and expanded knowledge in this area and
further studies have demonstrated that
interventions such as imagery, goal-setting and self-talk can help athletes build mental toughness(3). As a crude summary of developments
in this area, researchers have made theoretical leaps and bounds to define and
clarify the concepts, and, importantly, kept an ongoing
focus on how to transfer
theory to practice. Research into mental toughness is flourishing and this can only be helpful as the concepts
it covers have a huge interests to athletes
and coaches.
However, the popularity of the topic and focus on elite athletes has led to questions on the extent
to which non-elite athletes are mentally tough(3, 4). In this article, I argue that the ability to display mental toughness
is within all people
and, conscious of that fact, they should
learn when they can activate
What evidence is there that we are
all mentally tough?
People who might seem normal
or average frequently display mental toughness in potentially life-threatening situations. Possibly the
most powerful literature on the area of pain management is the study of
pregnant women going through childbirth(5). An industry has developed to help women manage pain during childbirth; however, it is worth noting that most pain-management interventions are relatively modern (within the last
100 years). Qualitative accounts of women going through childbirth without pain
management provide detailed
descriptions of mental toughness characterized by dealing with thoughts of
death and coping with intense pain(6).
Evolutionary psychologists have argued that humans have evolved to cope with pain and this coping response is hard wired and that we only access this response when situation demands call for it(6). In situations such as childbirth or other potentially life-threatening situations such as military endeavours(7), intense emotions are activated. Emotions have been found to mask sensations of pain(6). If an individual is aware that
this is the process,
and effective coping
systems are with them, albeit dormant most of the time, then they have the
potential to show an abundant
amount of mental toughness. If an athlete
perceives that sensations of pain are something
that has to be endured
in order to achieve goals,
then they have opened the door to activating
their inner mental toughness.
Activating beliefs of mental
toughness: “if he/she can do it, so can I”
People have a
great deal more resources than they believe they possess and it is the ability
to access these resources that is important. However,
prior to being
able to access them, the first step is to recognise that they
exist; that is, say to yourself you
can cope with
a lot more than you
think. One way
of changing your
view of how much you can cope with is to watch seemingly normal
people do extra
ordinary challenges. One example is Prof
Greg Whyte’s work on Comic
Relief challenges, which include
some extra-ordinary performance such as swimming the
English Channel (David
Walliams), running
repeated marathons (Eddie
Izzard), and swimming in very cold water
(Davina McCall). It’s worth remembering the qualities needed
to be a comedian/actor bear little resemblance with those
needed to be an athlete. Research shows that people learn by watching others
and if someone of a similar age, gender, and experience of the task at hand succeeds, then this can develop the thought that “if he/she can do it, so can I”(8).
Is the goal worth it?
A key aspect that can help
decide if someone activates her/his
mental toughness is whether the goal is sufficiently important. When we ask athletes
whether the goal is important, they tend to report positively. On a 1-10 scale (1 is not important and 10 is highly important), few athletes report
a goal is lower than 5, and the
variation in terms of importance often starts at 8(9). Therefore,
using a rating scale does not reliably provide
useful information.
The task
below can help
you identify which
goal is the most important. Rather than rate
the importance, it helps
the individual work
out which goal
is more important, and whether trying
to achieve one goal might influence attempts to attain
Task: Rate and rank your goals
What is your goal?
Reflection on the challenge the goal presents
1. To run a sub 3-hour marathon
“This has been
a goal for a while
and whilst I have come
close (within seconds), I have not achieved it”
2. To run 5km in sub-17 mins
“I have come close to this, but not achieved it. I find the marathon
training leaves me a bit tired at times”
Reflection and evaluation
The aim is to compare
and contrast the two goals
and examine if they could
conflict. Having time
to go for 2 goals can
be an issue
and so prioritising one over the other in terms of when they will be attempted can
In this case, the athlete needs to
focus on one of these goals almost exclusively of the other. Placing the
emphasis onto speed
required for the
5km and intense pain from lactic
acid associated with
speed work is a
different type of coping than
that needed for a marathon. Running pace in the marathon would feel slow
in comparison to running
5km, but mental
toughness is likely
to stem from being
able to manage
the supposedly slower pace over
the final stages.
The suggestion is that the athlete decides which goal to
focus on and commits to achieving that. The
two goals are arguably in conflict both
physiologically and psychologically.
Your go
What is your goal?
Reflection on the challenge the goal presents
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Reflection and evaluation
Using psychological skills to build mental toughness
Having identified the goal and worked out that you are committed
to achieving that goal; the next step is to develop resources ready to meet the challenges that you could
face; that is, getting the qualities that might be described as mental toughness
ready for when they are needed. Research
has found that use of psychological
skills such as imagery and self-talk associate with mental toughness (2,3,10). Both imagery and self-talk are strategies where an individual changes her/his internal
dialogue to be able to do a task successfully. Imagery can help achieve
this via use of images
and self-talk via language.
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In conclusion, mental toughness is something
humans have in abundance
and can access this when priorities
demand. Where these goals are voluntary where the decision to abandon
the goal is an option rather than involuntary,
such as life-threatening situations or childbirth, then reflecting on whether the pursuit of the goal is
worth the pain that will be experienced can help clarify
whether managing the pain will be worth it. Where goals are appraised as highly important, then psychological skills
such as self-talk and imagery can help an individual re-programme how they will respond
when unwanted thoughts
occur during performance.
1. J of Sp Psych in Action, Vol 2(1), Apr,. pp. 21-32. 2011
2. J of Applied Sp Psych, 14(3),
205-218, 2002.
3. J of Sps Sci, 26(1), 83-95, 2008.
4. Personality and Individual Differences 60, 30-35. 2014
5. Ame
J of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 186 , Issue 5 ,S160-S172, 2002.
6. Evolutionary and proximate explanations. In: Scherer K, Sander
D, editors. The Oxford
Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sci. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. p. 158-159.
7. Military Psych, 24:331–345, 2012.
8. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, W.H. Freeman.
1997. 9. J of Sps Sci, 14, 94, 1996.